FueLNG Venosa Successfully Concludes the GUCD and LNG Bunkering

by Admin
FueLNG Venosa LNG Bunkering

FueLNG Venosa has reached a significant milestone by successfully completing the Gassing Up and Cooling Down (GUCD) process and LNG bunkering for the Seatrium Floating Living Lab at the Seatrium Benoi yard. This achievement underscores FueLNG’s commitment to advancing sustainable maritime technologies.

The Seatrium Floating Living Lab, a groundbreaking initiative in Singapore, is set to transform the testing of innovative technologies aimed at promoting sustainable power production, electrification of harbor crafts, and the adoption of low-carbon fuel solutions for vessels.

This milestone highlights FueLNG’s dedication to sustainable shipping and its pivotal role in the industry’s energy transition. As a leader in LNG bunkering in Singapore, FueLNG takes pride in driving the adoption of lower-carbon fuels.

With Singapore’s strategic location and supportive infrastructure coupled with FueLNG’s expertise and partnerships, efforts are underway to establish Singapore as a prominent LNG bunkering hub.

Acknowledging the collaborative effort behind this achievement, FueLNG expresses gratitude to key stakeholders including MHD, SCDF, and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for their unwavering support in ensuring the safety and success of the operation.

Special appreciation is extended to shareholders Shell and Seatrium for their steadfast support in advancing this initiative. This milestone signifies progress and reinforces the collective commitment towards a greener and more sustainable maritime industry.

FueLNG Venosa LNG Bunkering GUCD
What is GUCD?

The GUCD process, short for “Gassing Up and Cooling Down,” is a critical procedure in the handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG). During this process, LNG storage tanks and systems are prepared for the safe receipt and handling of LNG.

First, the storage tank is gradually filled with LNG to displace any remaining air, a process known as gassing up. This removes oxygen and other potential contaminants from the tank, reducing the risk of ignition or corrosion.

Following gassing up, the LNG is allowed to naturally cool down to the desired storage temperature, typically around -160°C (-260°F). This cooling process, known as cooling down, ensures that the LNG remains in its liquid state and maintains its optimal storage conditions.

Overall, the GUCD process plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, integrity, and operational readiness of LNG storage and handling facilities, facilitating efficient and reliable LNG operations.

About FueLNG

FueLNG is a licensed LNG bunker supplier in Singapore, known for delivering safe, cost-efficient, and reliable solutions in LNG bunkering and distribution. Their services include LNG bunkering for various vessels through truck-to-ship or ship-to-ship operations, as well as LNG distribution to industrial and commercial clients via trucks or specialized bunkering vessels.

As FueLNG continues to spearhead innovations in the LNG sector, this accomplishment heralds a promising future marked by further milestones and breakthroughs in sustainable maritime practices.

Source FueLNG