Petrobras Sets New Production Records for Gasoline, Diesel, and LPG

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Petrobras brazil milestone 2023

Petrobras, the Brazilian multinational energy giant, has announced impressive production figures across its key products, marking significant milestones for the company. Notably, Petrobras achieved record-breaking production levels for gasoline, diesel, and LPG (cooking gas) at its refineries, showcasing a remarkable operational performance.

Gasoline production surged to 23.3 million m³, a record high not seen since 2014. Similarly, diesel production reached an impressive 41.4 million m³, surpassing levels last observed in 2015. Furthermore, LPG production soared to 7.1 million m³, setting a new record since 2007.

Efficiency and reliability at the refineries

These outstanding results are attributed to Petrobras’s relentless efforts in enhancing the efficiency and reliability of its refineries. The company’s Total Utilization Factor (TUF), a crucial metric reflecting operational efficiency, hit a remarkable 92%, the highest since 2014. Additionally, the utilization of processed oil from the pre-salt layer reached an unprecedented 65%, demonstrating Petrobras’s commitment to maximizing its resources.

Jean-Paul Prates, President of Petrobras, emphasized the strategic importance of investing in refining capacity and technological advancements. Jean-Paul stated, “The development of technologies and investments in refining units’ reliability, safety, and profitability are crucial actions for Petrobras as we navigate towards a fair energy transition.”

Despite scheduled downtimes in 2023, Petrobras managed to break byproduct production records, underscoring its dedication to maintaining operational excellence. William França, Petrobras’s Industrial Process and Product Director, highlighted the company’s focus on enhancing asset efficiency and safety standards, essential for optimizing refinery performance.

Higher production of diesel and low-carbon products

Looking ahead, Petrobras has outlined ambitious plans in its 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, with a substantial CAPEX investment of USD 17 billion allocated for refining, transportation, and sales. This investment aims to increase processing capacity at refineries by 225k barrels per day (bpd) and boost diesel S-10 production to over 290 thousand bpd by 2029.

Furthermore, Petrobras is committing USD 1.5 billion to the biorefining segment, supporting the production of Diesel R5 with a 5% renewable content. The company also plans to establish dedicated plants for aviation biokerosene and 100% renewable diesel at key facilities, further solidifying its commitment to sustainability and innovation in the energy sector.

With these ambitious initiatives, Petrobras is poised to strengthen its position as a leader in the global energy landscape while driving sustainable growth and innovation in the refining industry.

Source Petrobras