HD KSOE Boosts Ammonia Ship Safety with New Scrubber Tech

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HD KSOE Ammonia Scrubber

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) has introduced groundbreaking technology designed to enhance the safety of ammonia-fueled vessels, which are poised to become the next generation of eco-friendly ships.

HD KSOE hosted a ‘Global Tech Forum’ in Athens on Friday, May 31, attracting over one hundred industry leaders from the global shipbuilding and maritime sectors. The forum highlighted HD KSOE’s innovative technology aimed at reducing toxic gas emissions from ammonia fuel to nearly zero.

Ammonia-fueled vessels are gaining attention for their eco-friendly characteristics, particularly their zero carbon emissions. Despite their potential, the challenge has always been mitigating the toxicity of ammonia when used as fuel. At the forum, representatives from major global companies such as Euronva, Thenamaris, and NYK expressed keen interest in solutions to address ammonia leakage issues, a major obstacle to the commercial adoption of ammonia as marine fuel.

In response to these concerns, HD KSOE unveiled its proprietary integrated scrubber technology. This advanced system significantly enhances safety for ammonia-powered ships by absorbing emitted ammonia at two different stages, effectively reducing emissions to nearly zero. Furthermore, the exhaust outlets are strategically positioned away from crew areas, further ensuring onboard safety.

Additionally, HD KSOE showcased its ‘AI System for Ship Management’ and ‘Remote Drone System.’ These technologies, when integrated with ammonia-powered vessels, provide real-time detection of even minor leaks, thereby preventing accidents before they occur.

“HD Hyundai possesses proprietary technologies and unparalleled experience in building gas carriers. With our extensive background in green technologies, we are determined to lead the future shipbuilding market,” stated Seung-yong Park, President & COO of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, a subsidiary of HD Hyundai.

HD KSOE’s pioneering efforts have already borne fruit. Last year, they secured the world’s first contracts for two ammonia-fueled LPG carriers and have since received orders for a total of four ammonia-fueled ships.

With these advancements, HD KSOE is not only addressing critical safety concerns but also paving the way for the wider adoption of ammonia as a sustainable marine fuel, reinforcing their position as a leader in the future of eco-friendly shipbuilding.

Source HD KSOE