Chemship Sets Course for Greener Seas with Innovative Sails

by Admin
Chemship milestone wind propulsion

In a remarkable stride towards a more sustainable shipping industry, Chemship has debuted the first-ever chemical tanker equipped with innovative “sails.” The introduction of these sails marks a pivotal moment in Chemship’s 55-year history, firmly establishing the company as a pioneer of innovation in the chemical shipping sector.

On Friday, February 16th, a crowd of 180 stakeholders congregated aboard a fully electric party boat to witness the historic “hoisting of the sails” on the MT Chemical Challenger. The enthusiastic turnout underscored the collective anticipation surrounding this groundbreaking technology.

While wind power itself is a time-honored method of propulsion, Chemship’s “Ventofoils” represent a revolutionary advancement in maritime technology, underscoring the company’s unwavering commitment to reducing CO2 emissions. These sails serve as a visible symbol of Chemship’s comprehensive efforts to minimize its carbon footprint.

All of Chemship’s sustainability initiatives, including the innovative sails, are cataloged on a dedicated website, where updates on ongoing efforts and collaborations with industry partners will be shared “Chemship – Setting Sail

Special recognition is extended to the captain and crew of the MT Chemical Challenger for their hospitality and dedication during the installation of the sails. Chemship expresses gratitude to all participants for their contributions to this milestone project, emphasizing a collective commitment to “Setting Sail Toward Sustainable Shipping.”

Chemship milestone wind propulsion unfolds
About Chemship B.V.

Chemship B.V. operates a sophisticated fleet of stainless-steel chemical tankers catering to the industry’s liquid transportation needs in bulk. With worldwide routes, including an emphasis on the East Mediterranean to Northwest Europe and East Mediterranean to USA routes.

Chemship B.V. adheres to the latest quality standards set by oil and chemical majors. Their multi-grade chemical tankers are designed to transport a diverse range of liquid bulk materials, prioritizing customer satisfaction while upholding safety, quality, and environmental protection as primary objectives.

Source Chemship