SEA-LNG reveals LNG Adoption Surges to 6% of the Global Shipping Fleet

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SEA-LNG on Global LNG Vessels

SEA-LNG, the industry coalition advocating for the adoption of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel, has announced a significant rise in LNG-fuelled vessels. The coalition reports that LNG-powered vessels now make up over 2% of the global shipping fleet, with that number projected to reach 4% by vessel count or 6% by deadweight tonnage (DWT) when factoring in the current order book.

The adoption of LNG as a marine fuel has rapidly accelerated in recent years. In 2010, only 21 LNG-fuelled vessels were in operation, primarily smaller ships operating regionally. Today, that number has surged to 590 vessels, including some of the world’s largest container ships, which are twice the size of vessels from 2010. With an additional 564 LNG-powered vessels on order, SEA-LNG estimates that by 2028, the global fleet of LNG-powered ships will reach 1,154.

This growth is particularly evident in the LNG carrier sector. Currently, there are 772 LNG carriers in operation, with another 341 on order, meaning that over 2,000 of the world’s 60,000 largest vessels will soon be LNG-fuelled. Additionally, according to DNV, LNG dual-fuel vessels now make up one-third of the new build order book. In terms of deadweight tonnage, the combined LNG-powered fleet in operation and on order represents 6% of the world’s total fleet, measured at 142.5 million DWT.

Peter Keller, Chairman of SEA-LNG, highlighted the increasing recognition of LNG as a viable alternative fuel “It is gratifying that LNG is finally gaining favor amongst so many shipowners. LNG is the only practical and realistic alternative fuel pathway available today—even for those shipowners that may also be considering other such pathways. While we have always said that a basket of fuels will be required for shipping to meet the 2050 emissions reduction targets, the rationale for the LNG pathway remains unchanged.”

Peter Keller emphasized that LNG offers a clear pathway toward decarbonization, providing immediate reductions in carbon emissions while also addressing local emissions and health-related concerns. As the shipping industry strives to meet its 2050 emissions reduction goals, LNG is positioned as a critical solution. Its future viability is further supported by the use of liquefied biomethane (bio-LNG) and hydrogen-based e-methane, which can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Environmental benefits of LNG

LNG offers substantial environmental benefits. It produces virtually zero sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter emissions, reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions by up to 95%, and can cut GHG emissions by up to 23% compared to conventional marine fuels. The growing global infrastructure for LNG bunkering supports this shift, with 185 ports currently offering LNG bunkers and an additional 50 ports expected to come online next year.

One of the challenges in LNG adoption has been methane slip, particularly in low-pressure engine technologies. However, the industry is actively addressing this issue. Two-stroke diesel cycle engines, which account for approximately 75% of the LNG-fuelled vessel order book, have already nearly eliminated methane slip. Meanwhile, low-pressure four-stroke engines have reduced slip levels by over 85% in the past 25 years. Industry experts believe that methane slip will be entirely eliminated for all engine technologies within the next decade.

Expanding LNG bunkering infrastructure

The availability of LNG bunkering infrastructure has seen significant growth in tandem with the rise in LNG-fuelled vessels. In 2010, there was only one LNG bunkering vessel in operation. Today, 60 LNG bunkering vessels are active, with 13 more on order, reflecting strong interest from the maritime community in continuing to invest in these assets.

The existing LNG infrastructure is also ready to accommodate future fuels like bio-LNG and e-methane. These renewable alternatives can further decarbonize shipping, with liquefied biomethane offering up to 80% reductions in GHG emissions compared to marine diesel on a full well-to-wake basis. When produced from the anaerobic digestion of waste materials such as manure, bio-LNG can result in negative emissions of up to -190% compared to diesel.

LNG’s role in maritime decarbonization

As the shipping industry navigates its path to decarbonization, the LNG pathway is proving to be a vital component of the solution. The steady growth in LNG-powered vessels and bunkering infrastructure, combined with the environmental and operational advantages of LNG, positions it as a long-term fuel option. The use of bio-LNG and e-methane will further enhance its role in reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.

SEA-LNG’s report highlights the ongoing shift toward LNG-powered shipping, with shipowners increasingly recognizing LNG as the most practical and future-proofed solution for immediate and long-term emissions reductions. The significant growth in LNG-fuelled vessels and supporting infrastructure underscores LNG’s critical role in the future of maritime decarbonization.


SEA-LNG is a multi-sector industry coalition established to demonstrate the commercial and environmental benefits of LNG as a marine fuel. The coalition brings together ship owners, ports, energy providers, infrastructure owners, and engine manufacturers to promote LNG as a pathway toward cleaner, more sustainable shipping.

Source SEA-LNG