World First: MPA’s Digital Bunkering Initiative Takes Off Today

by Admin
MPA Launched Digital Bunkering 01st Nov

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) proudly announce the launch of the World’s First Digital Bunkering initiative today, marking a significant leap forward in the bunkering industry.

This groundbreaking launch establishes Singapore as the first port globally to implement electronic bunker delivery notes (eBDN), a transformative process poised to revolutionize bunkering operations. The move is set to generate substantial gains, with an estimated 40,000 man-days saved annually through enhanced efficiency and transparency throughout the bunkering process.

In addition to this remarkable milestone, MPA remains committed to perfecting the digital bunkering initiative. They will actively engage with the shipping community to collect user feedback, ensuring continuous improvement in the system. One of the key areas of exploration is the automation of data flow from Mass Flow Meters, further streamlining the bunkering process.

Looking ahead, MPA has set ambitious goals, intending to make digital bunkering a mandatory requirement by the end of 2024, cementing Singapore’s status as a global leader in maritime innovation.

Source MPA Singapore