USCG QUALSHIP21 Reward for Aegean Shipping

by Admin
Aegean Shipping Qualship21

Aegean Shipping announces that Aegean Shipping Management S.A. & Aegean ECO Carriers S.A. have been recognized by the USCG for meeting the requirements of the QUALSHIP21 program.

Specifically, the USCG states: 

“Less than 20% of all foreign-flagged vessels that operate in the US meet the strict eligibility requirements of this program; therefore, we applaud the efforts of ASM & AEC and the master & crew for consistently maintaining in exceptional commitment to quality.”

Coast Guard efforts to eliminate substandard shipping have focused on improving methods to identify poor-quality vessels. All foreign-flagged vessels are examined no less than once each year. This provides few incentives for the well run, quality ship. Thousands of vessels are operated responsibly and are typically found with few or no deficiencies. Under the current policies of USCG, vessels operating at a higher-quality share nearly the same examination intervals as those vessels operating at lower-quality standards. These high-quality vessels are recognized and rewarded for their commitment to safety and quality. Therefore, on January 1, 2001, the Coast Guard implemented an initiative to identify high-quality ships and provide incentives to encourage quality operations. This initiative is called QUALSHIP 21, quality shipping for the 21st century.

All of our vessels that have been operating in the United States waters are now certified by the USCG with Qualship21.

We’d like to congratulate our Masters, Officers and Crew for maintaining their commitment to safety and quality!

Press Release Aegean Shipping Management S.A.