As part of a Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Study project co-funded by the European Union, the Port of Rotterdam, in collaboration with the municipality of Rotterdam and various partners in the port of Rotterdam, is conducting four feasibility studies for shore power implementation.
These studies are taking place at four major terminals in the port of Rotterdam: ECT (Amazonehaven), APMT2 (Amaliahaven), VOPAK (Vlaardingen), and the Cruise Terminal (Wilhelminakade). The studies comprise detailed technical analyses, environmental and social cost-benefit assessments, and the preparation of tendering and permitting procedures.

Feasibility Study for Liquid Bulk in Consortium with Vopak and Stolt Tankers
The feasibility study for Vopak Vlaardingen is being conducted in a consortium with Vopak and Stolt Tankers, aiming to establish a global standard for shore power for tankers. From 2022 to 2024, the Port of Rotterdam, Vopak, and Stolt Tankers have carried out a preliminary technical feasibility study, a business case analysis, and a preliminary environmental impact assessment.
To identify and assess the technical solutions for the ship-shore interface for shore power for tankers, the consortium enlisted DNV Maritime Advisory. In June 2023, DNV completed a preliminary technical feasibility study on developing a high voltage Onshore Power System (OPS) for tankers. The study explored various aspects:
- An in-depth investigation into current shore power solutions for tankers, addressing challenges such as grid power availability, frequency, voltage levels, and load requirements for different tanker types.
- Evaluation of three OPS connection scenarios:
- Scenario 1: Midship connection using the ship’s crane for the OPS cable.
- Scenario 2: Midship connection with a crane-based Cable Management System (CMS) on the jetty.
- Scenario 3: Stern connection with a crane-based CMS onshore or on a platform/monopile in the water.
A Safety Assessment (HAZID) identified scenario 3 as the safest, with no high-risk hazards, compared to four and three high-risk hazards in scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. A Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) also favored scenario 3 due to its superior safety, operability, technical maturity, and equipment availability.
The primary conclusion of the study is that while a midship connection is feasible, it is not as practical and flexible as initially thought, due to the significant risk associated with OPS connections in hazardous zones. A stern connection is preferred, reducing risks as there is typically no hazardous zone in the stern area of a tanker.
OCIMF Advances Shore Power Standardization for Tankers
During the preliminary technical feasibility study, representatives from the consortium engaged with the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), a respected association providing guidelines for the shipping and storage of oil and oil products. As a result, OCIMF has begun developing guidelines on shore power for tankers and has published preliminary design recommendations. The consortium’s experts are involved in further developing these guidelines, which will form the basis for standardization by the IEC/IEEE/ISO.
Rebel Ports & Logistics Analysis Confirms Project’s Positive Impact
Rebel Ports & Logistics conducted a comprehensive analysis of the financial, environmental, and social impacts of installing shore power at Vopak Vlaardingen. Completed in April 2024, the study highlights significant emission reduction benefits, improving air quality and public health, essential for community well-being and combating climate change. Despite these promising environmental benefits, the financial analysis reveals a substantial viability gap. Project optimization and potential subsidies are necessary to bridge this gap and ensure financial feasibility. Additionally, regulatory measures may encourage the adoption of shore power by tankers.
Next Steps
The Port of Rotterdam, Vopak, and Stolt Tankers will continue striving for the standardization of shore power for tankers, with the ambition to facilitate a demonstration project at Vopak Vlaardingen. The next phase includes:
- Executing a preliminary design for the shore power installation at Vopak Vlaardingen.
- Engaging important clients from Vopak and Stolt Tankers at the Vlaardingen Terminal.
- Engaging with potential subsidy providers on their participation in the project.
Lastly, the Port of Rotterdam, Vopak, and Stolt will organize two information events in the third quarter of 2024, one for Rotterdam-based partners and another for international partners.
Source Port of Rotterdam