Shell First LNG Delivery to Avenir HIGAS LNG Terminal

by Admin
Shell lng bunker vessel Avenir terminal sardinia

Avenir LNG Limited and HIGAS S.r.l. have celebrated a significant milestone as Shell’s LNG bunker vessel, the Coral Methane, arrives at their Small-Scale LNG terminal in Sardinia. This marks a historic moment, with Shell becoming the first third-party LNG supplier to Avenir’s HIGAS terminal in Oristano, Sardinia, A small island in Italy, following the delivery of 6,000 cubic meters of LNG on October 7.

After successfully passing the vetting process, the Coral Methane supplied the Higas Terminal in Oristano, marking a crucial step in advancing Small-Scale LNG facilities interoperability and supply chain efficiency.

The partnership’s dedication to this evolution towards diverse, clean, and renewable energy sources is evident, and they express their gratitude to the Harbour Master’s Office, Cipor and all the authorities involved, whose invaluable support has showcased the efficacy of a well-coordinated delivery. This collaboration signifies a pivotal moment in the LNG industry, affirming the commitment to sustainable energy solutions and supply chain efficiency in the Mediterranean region.

The Coral Methane LNG bunker vessel is chartered and operated by Shell, primarily operates in the Mediterranean. It has a capacity of 7,500 cubic meters and is owned by the Dutch shipping company Anthony Veder.

Avenir LNG is originated in 2018 and backed by blue-chip sponsors, Avenir LNG is a global, fully integrated, leading brand in the supply of small-scale LNG to customers around the world. Its mission is to provide a sustainable energy alternative for the off-grid industry, ensuring a reliable and secure supply of LNG.

Avenir LNG is the sole owner of the Higas S.r.l LNG terminal in the Port of Oristano, Sardinia, Italy. The Higas terminal is the first dedicated small scale LNG depot in the Mediterranean.

Source Higas S.r.l