Montenegro Signs MoU for LNG Terminal at Port of Bar

by Admin
Montenegro MoU for lng port of bar

Montenegro signs MoU with Enerflex energy systems and Wethington energy innovation

Prime Minister Dritan Abazović signed, on behalf of the Government of Montenegro, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Montenegro, Enerflex energy systems and Wethington energy innovation with regard to providing support towards the enhancement of energy infrastructure in Montenegro.

Mr. Olin Wethington signed the memorandum on behalf of Wethington Energy Innovation, and Mr. Phil Pyle signed on behalf of Enerflex Energy Systems.

US Ambassador H.E. Judy Rising Reinke also attended the event and addressed the attendees.

The signatories of the memorandum agreed that this is a project that will provide energy security and create good prospects for further energy and overall economic progress of Montenegro.‎

‎During the press statements, the importance of cooperation with American companies such as ‎‎Enerflex Energy Systems‎‎ was particularly emphasised.‎

‎This is a good step in the right direction, the signatories agreed.‎

The Parties intend to undertake in good faith discussions and actions intending to pursue two energy infrastructure projects as follows: the construction and installation of a fixed terminal for the importation of liquified natural gas into Montenegro and its further storage, regasification, and transportation; and the construction and installation of a greenfield gas-fueled thermopower plant in Montenegro, the gas supply of which comes through the aforementioned terminal.

Source Government of Montenegro