Proman Strengthens Methanol Bunkering at Point Lisas, Trinidad

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Proman Methanol Bunkering Trinidad

Proman has significantly ramped up its methanol refuelling operations at the port of Point Lisas, Trinidad, as the maritime industry increasingly adopts methanol as a cleaner fuel alternative. This month alone, Proman will have refuelled two ships with a total of 2,100 MT of methanol fuel, contributing to a remarkable 12,500 MT of methanol supplied over the past 12 months. This development underscores Trinidad’s emerging role as a key methanol bunkering hub in the Caribbean.

On August 16, the Stena Prosperous, a 49,900 DWT IMOIIMeMAX vessel, was refuelled at Point Lisas with methanol produced locally by Proman. The Stena Pro Patria is scheduled to receive methanol refuelling in the coming days, further highlighting the company’s growing presence in the methanol bunkering market. The significant refuelling volumes in August, coupled with the cumulative 12,500 MT supplied over the past year, demonstrate the potential of Point Lisas to become a central player in methanol bunkering.

The Stena Prosperous, part of a fleet of six IMOIIMeMAX vessels commissioned by Proman and Stena Bulk in 2019, has recently completed a notable voyage from its naming ceremony in Singapore. The vessel’s journey included stops in Indonesia, Brazil, and the U.S. port of Savannah before arriving in Trinidad. During this voyage, the vessel was initially bunkered in Singapore with a 20/80 green/conventional methanol blend, which resulted in a 31% reduction in CO2e emissions compared to the same voyage using Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO).

Methanol, used as a marine fuel, offers substantial environmental benefits. It virtually eliminates particulate matter (PM) and sulphur oxides (SOx), and significantly reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) by up to 80% compared to petroleum-based fuels. With all six vessels in the Proman-Stena fleet now operating on methanol rather than VLSFO, it is estimated that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings for 2024 will exceed 8,000 tonnes.

Anita Gajadhar, Executive Director of Marketing and Logistics at Proman, commented “Methanol is increasingly becoming a mainstream marine fuel as ship owners recognize its versatility and cleaner burning properties. Regardless of its feedstock, every methanol molecule is consistent, allowing for blending as green methanol production scales up. This provides a clear pathway to achieving net-zero emissions. The journey of Stena Prosperous from Singapore to Trinidad highlights this capability and demonstrates how methanol helps ship owners meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the IMO and regulatory frameworks such as Fuel EU Maritime.”

Trinidad’s emergence as a methanol bunkering hub is further supported by the growing global presence of methanol as a marine fuel. Methanol is now available at over 120 ports worldwide, including Point Lisas. According to DNV, there are projections for 300 methanol-fuelled vessels to be in operation by 2027, with more than 70 orders placed in 2024 alone.

Aleeya Ali, Managing Director of Operations for Proman Trinidad, stated “The surge in orders for methanol-fuelled ships and our consistent refuelling activities in Trinidad highlight the viability of methanol as a marine fuel and the potential of Point Lisas and Trinidad as a leading bunkering hub. We are proud to export Trinidad-produced methanol, which not only supports local employment and the economy but also positions Trinidad as a prominent player in the cleaner marine fuel sector.”

About Proman

Founded in 1984 as a small project management company specializing in the construction of large industrial projects, Proman has since evolved into a diversified energy producer with a global footprint.

Today, Proman operates as a multi-asset, multi-regional organization with a diverse portfolio that includes methanol and fertilizer production assets in the United States, Trinidad, and Oman, and ongoing expansion in Mexico. Beyond its core production facilities, Proman’s service offerings encompass petrochemical plant operations, petrochemical and power plant construction, product marketing and logistics, and project management. The company also holds natural gas production assets both onshore in the United States and offshore in Trinidad.

Video Credit Stena Proman

Proman’s evolution reflects its commitment to innovation and growth within the energy sector, driven by a focus on operational excellence and sustainable development.

Source Proman