LNG bunker supply vessel Kairos rejoins Gasum’s Fleet

by Admin
lng bunker supply vessel kairos gasum fleet

Gasum’s LNG bunker supply vessel, Kairos, had been sub-leased externally since October 2022; however, it has now been reintegrated into Gasum’s bunkering fleet. This development augments Gasum’s bunkering capabilities within the Northwest European market for bunkering.

The maritime LNG bunkering sector has been experiencing consistent volume growth throughout 2023, and this momentum is anticipated to further accelerate in the latter part of the year. The return of Kairos enhances Gasum’s capacity to efficiently serve its maritime customers utilizing both LNG and Bio-LNG.

With a substantial capacity of 7,500 m³, Kairos is powered by a dual-fuel engine that predominantly runs on LNG. The vessel is equipped with an array of advanced technical attributes that enable it to cater to a diverse spectrum of marine clients and LNG terminals.

Engineered to deliver LNG to vessels of varying types and sizes across all potential bunkering sites in Northwest Europe, the ship boasts a transfer rate ranging from 60 m³ per hour to an impressive 1,250 m³ per hour.

The vessel’s cranes exhibit a reach of up to 30 meters, empowering Kairos to accommodate even the largest clientele in the market. Notably, Kairos is proficient in operating under challenging weather conditions and on high seas, facilitated by its DP2 certification and its construction to ice class 1A standards.

Increasing availability of renewable gas

Switching to LNG from traditional maritime fuels means complete removal of SOx and particles, and a reduction of NOx emissions of up to 85 percent. LNG reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 20 percent. LNG is interchangeable with renewable liquefied biogas (Bio-LNG or LBG), which means that the two gases can be mixed at any ratio.

Gasum’s biogas cuts carbon emissions on average by 90 percent when compared with traditional fossil fuels. Increasing use of Bio-LNG is one of the concrete actions that will take the shipping industry towards a low-carbon future.

Gasum’s strategic goal is to bring seven terawatt hours (7 TWh) of renewable gas yearly to market by 2027. Achieving this goal would mean a yearly cumulative carbon dioxide reduction of 1.8 million tons for Gasum’s customers.

Source Gasum Ltd