KPI OceanConnect’s Biofuel Bunkering: Fujairah Port’s First

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Jesper Sorensen KPI Oceanconnect alternative fuel team leader

KPI OceanConnect, a global leader in marine energy solutions, proudly announced a groundbreaking achievement in sustainable shipping by delivering 200 metric tons of B24 VLSFO biofuel to the bulk carrier GCL Tapi for its client ArcelorMittal at Fujairah. This historic bunkering operation took place on December 8th at the Fujairah anchorage, marking the first biofuel bunkering for the Port of Fujairah.

KPI OceanConnect has been at the forefront of supporting biofuel deliveries in 85 ports worldwide, playing a pivotal role in aggregating supply for its customers and ensuring the delivery of top-quality fuel. Following this milestone, the company successfully conducted a second biofuel bunkering operation on December 13th, supplying an additional 200 metric tons of B24 VLSFO to the vessel GCL Sabarmati for the same client.

The move is part of a global trend, with nearly one million tonnes of biofuel blend expected to be bunkered in 2023 in major bunkering hubs such as Singapore and the Port of Rotterdam. KPI OceanConnect’s innovative approach to biofuel bunkering in Fujairah is poised to open new opportunities for vessel owners and operators to actively contribute to the reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions during voyages.

Jesper Sørensen, Head of Alternative Fuels and Carbon Markets at KPI OceanConnect, expressed enthusiasm about this pioneering biofuel delivery, stating, “We are delighted to be a partner in this first-of-its-kind fuel supply operation for the Port of Fujairah. Delivering a biofuel blend to meet the needs of our client ArcelorMittal is a significant step forward. Anticipating increased demand for low-carbon energy solutions due to tightening regulations and rising consumer pressure for sustainable shipping, we are committed to developing our infrastructure to support bio and alternative fuel bunkering.”

Sørensen emphasized the importance of long-term fuel strategies for fleets and highlighted the varied approaches businesses may take in response to evolving regulations. “As the supply of short-term alternative fuels like biofuels develops globally, it will become increasingly important for operators to have a clear plan in place.”

Biofuels represent a viable short-term solution for the shipping industry to curb greenhouse gas emissions. KPI OceanConnect encourages collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the sector, urging industry players to invest in supply development and provide a clear demand signal to support and expand biofuel availability. With a commitment to sustainability, KPI OceanConnect aims to be a catalyst for positive change in the maritime industry’s journey toward a greener future.

KPI OceanConnect is one of the world’s largest and most experienced independent marine fuels service and solutions providers, established by the merger of KPI Bridge Oil and OceanConnect Marine. with dedicated global team of 170 experienced professionals has delivered trusted expert advice and services to the international shipping community since 1971. KPI OceanConnect operates across every major maritime hub and time zone with offices in Athens, Doha, Dubai, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Jakarta, London, Miami, Middelfart, New York, Rotterdam, Seattle, Seoul, Singapore and Tokyo.

Source KPI OceanConnect