India issues Circular on Bunker Supplier’s issuance of E-BDN

by Admin
Directorate General of Shipping India

A draft circular regarding the collection of data from all Indian ships, regardless of size, for the implementation of EEXI, CII, and the issuance of Electronic Bunker Delivery Note (E-BDN) by bunker suppliers was released by India’s Directorate General of Shipping (DGS), which falls under the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, on Tuesday, January 3.

The directive is applicable to all Indian ships and all parties involved, including ship management, owners, recognized organizations (ROs), and suppliers of bunkers to Indian ports.

Regardless of whether the ship has a coastal or global GTL or whether it is certified under River Sea Vessel (Ref. DGS Order No. 18 of 2013) or Inland Coastal Vessel (Ref. D6S Order), all Indian ship-owners, managers, and companies are required to access the Swacch Sagar Portal digitally, register themselves as guided in the attached user manual, and complete the data related to fuel consumption on a monthly basis for their fleet ships of 400 GT and above registered under

Indian register of shipping (IRS) carrying the Initial/ Annual/ Renewal verification for bunker license certification has to verify that the suppliers have issued electronic bunker delivery notes for all bunkers supplied, and any single noncompliance has to be indicated in the report before forwarding to the Directorate, All registered and licensed bunker suppliers are required to access Swacch Sagar Portal digitally and complete the data related to bunker supply, generate an electronic Bunker Delivery Note on the online platform and issue to the bunker receiver.

Part of the collection of data related to fuel consumption includes the Energy Efficiency of Existing Ships (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), which have been in effect from 1 January 2023.

Click here to download the full circular including the user manual

Source Directorate General of Shipping

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