Glander’s Biofuel Strategy Reinforced by Latest ISCC Renewals

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Glander ISCC EU PLUS Certifications

Glander International Bunkering, a prominent global leader in bunker trading, has successfully renewed its ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS certifications for its biofuel operations. This notable achievement reaffirms the company’s dedication to maintaining compliant and sustainable biofuel supply chains across its key offices in Dubai, Singapore, Tønsberg, Geneva, and Glander Valencia.

Commitment to Certified Fuel Solutions

The renewal of these certifications is a significant milestone for Glander International Bunkering, extending beyond mere formal recognition. It represents a crucial step in ensuring the company remains at the forefront of certified fuel solutions. With the increasing adoption of biofuels in marine applications, the industry faces the challenge of aligning biofuel production with legal sustainability requirements and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction criteria.

Biofuels: A Key Component in Sustainable Marine Fuel Transition

Biofuels are increasingly recognized as a critical element in the transition toward sustainable marine fuels. Their key advantage lies in their status as a drop-in fuel, which means they can be utilized directly in existing ship engines with minimal modifications or onboard investments. This capability positions biofuels as a viable solution for shipping companies aiming to comply with the forthcoming Fuel EU Maritime regulations, set to take effect on January 1, 2025.

Global Supply of 2nd Generation Biofuels

Glander International Bunkering is strategically positioned to support the maritime industry’s adherence to these new regulations. The company is equipped to supply 2nd generation biofuels across more than 100 ports worldwide. This extensive network is particularly advantageous given the recent surge in biofuel demand. Notably, Glander International Bunkering has delivered B100 HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) to a seismic survey vessel and facilitated first-time biofuel supplies for various clients.

Detailed ISCC Recertification Process

The recertification process for ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS certifications involves several rigorous steps to ensure adherence to the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) system’s criteria:

  • Comprehensive Audit: An independent auditor conducts an exhaustive evaluation of the company’s biofuel operations. This includes a review of sourcing, processing, and distribution practices to verify compliance with ISCC standards.
  • Documentation Review: Detailed documentation is scrutinized to ensure that all practices meet the social, environmental, and traceability requirements of the ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS certifications.
  • Site Inspections: Physical inspections of the offices and facilities in Dubai, Singapore, Tønsberg, Geneva, and Valencia are performed to confirm that operational practices align with certification standards.
  • Stakeholder Interviews: Interviews with management, employees, and other stakeholders are conducted to assess the implementation of sustainability practices and adherence to human rights and labor standards.
  • Analysis: The renewal process also includes identifying areas for improvement and implementing corrective actions to continuously enhance sustainability practices.

Glander International Bunkering’s renewed certifications not only demonstrate its commitment to environmental stewardship but also reinforce its role as a leader in providing sustainable and compliant biofuel solutions for the maritime industry.

About Glander International Bunkering

Glander International Bunkering is a global leader in bunker trading, specializing in providing high-quality marine fuels and services. With a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation, the company offers comprehensive solutions to meet the evolving needs of the maritime industry. Through its extensive network and expertise, Glander International Bunkering is dedicated to advancing the transition to cleaner and more efficient marine fuels.

Source Glander Interntional Bunkering