DNV Certifies bound4blue’s eSAIL: Advanced Wind Propulsion Solution

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bound4blue esail gets DNV Approval

bound4blue has made significant strides in the maritime industry’s transition to renewable energy with the announcement that its innovative eSAIL® technology has received full Type Approval Design Certificate (TADC) from DNV. This certification marks a crucial milestone in validating the compliance of eSAIL® with DNV’s Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS) technical standards, underscoring the technology’s adherence to the most advanced industry regulations.

Certification Validation

The TADC from DNV confirms that bound4blue’s eSAIL® technology meets the rigorous requirements set forth by the classification society. This certification not only validates the technical and design compliance of the suction sail technology but also simplifies the adoption process for shipowners and operators. With the TADC in place, bound4blue anticipates streamlined technical due diligence processes, which are expected to accelerate the roll-out of eSAIL® systems. This advancement will ease the burden of individual quality validation for shipowners, enhancing the speed and efficiency of integrating eSAIL® benefits such as reduced fuel consumption and emissions, lower operating expenses, and simplified adherence to stringent regulatory demands.

Renewable Energy Transition

bound4blue views eSAIL® as a pivotal component in the maritime industry’s green energy transition. The fully autonomous eSAIL® system operates by harnessing wind energy through an aerodynamic surface, thereby generating exceptional propulsive efficiency. The system’s design—characterized by its simplicity, low weight, and ease of installation—effectively reduces main engine loads, fuel usage, and emissions.

The innovative technology has already attracted significant interest, securing contracts with notable shipowners and operators including Odfjell, Eastern Pacific Shipping, Amasus, Marflet, and Louis Dreyfus Company.

Accelerating Adoption

David Ferrer, Co-founder and CTO of bound4blue, sees the TADC as a catalyst for rapid growth. “Our commitment has always been to develop technology that meets the highest standards of quality and safety,” Ferrer remarks. “Receiving the TADC from DNV provides third-party validation of our system’s excellence, which will facilitate faster customer due diligence and accelerate the adoption process. This certification strengthens our position as a preferred partner in the wind power sector and supports our goal to lead the industry’s transition to renewable energy.”

Ferrer further emphasizes, “Wind energy holds tremendous potential for the maritime industry, not only as a renewable energy source but also as a means to support the use of alternative fuels. This approval reinforces our role as a leading innovator and positions us at the forefront of the wind revolution.”

DNV’s Role and Future Prospects

The TADC, based on DNV Standard ST-0511 for Wind-assisted Propulsion Systems, sets the groundwork for the installation of eSAIL® on vessels classified by DNV. Hasso Hoffmeister, Senior Principal Engineer at DNV Maritime, highlights the importance of reliable systems in harnessing wind energy. “Wind is a limitless, free, and zero-carbon energy source gaining significant attention in the maritime sector. Owners need trusted systems with validated compliance to ensure the highest quality standards. Our collaboration with bound4blue has been exemplary, and we are pleased to award this certification. We look forward to seeing the continued growth of wind power as a green energy solution for vessels worldwide.”

Compliant Benefits and Next Steps

The eSAIL® units are designed to be easily installed and maintained, with minimal moving parts, making them suitable for a wide range of vessels, both retrofits and new builds. The technology enhances compliance with existing and forthcoming regulations, including improvements in vessel CII ratings, EEDI and EEXI metrics, FuelEU Maritime compliance, and contributions to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.

With the TADC from DNV now secured, bound4blue is proceeding with additional certification processes, with more approvals expected in the near future. This progress further solidifies eSAIL®’s role in advancing the maritime industry’s shift towards sustainable practices.

About DNV

DNV is the world’s leading classification society and a trusted advisor in the maritime industry. We are committed to enhancing safety, quality, energy efficiency, and environmental performance across the global shipping industry, including all types of vessels and offshore structures. Our focus is on advancing solutions through significant investment in research and development, working collaboratively with industry stakeholders to address strategic, operational, and regulatory challenges. DNV’s expertise and dedication support the continuous improvement of the maritime sector, driving innovations that ensure a safer, more sustainable future for shipping worldwide.

About bound4blue

bound4blue specializes in the development of automated wind-assisted propulsion systems, offering a comprehensive turnkey solution for shipowners and shipping companies focused on reducing fuel costs and cutting emissions. Our flagship technology, the eSAIL®, is a fully autonomous system that stands out for its fuel-saving and emission-reducing capabilities. It features low maintenance requirements and easy installation, making it the most cost-effective wind propulsion technology available today. The eSAIL® system is versatile and suitable for a wide range of vessels, including tankers, bulkers, Ro-Ros, cruises, ferries, gas carriers, and general cargo ships, irrespective of their size or age.

Founded in 2014, bound4blue has been dedicated to advancing renewable energy solutions within the maritime sector. Headquartered in Cantabria, Spain, with additional offices in Barcelona and Singapore, the company has already installed the eSAIL® system on four ships and has secured agreements with notable shipowners such as Eastern Pacific Shipping, Marflet, Louis Dreyfus Company, Marubeni Corporation, Odfjell, and SNA TUHA’A PAE to deploy the technology across their fleets.

Source Bound4blue