ClassNK First Notation for Seafarers Living and Working Environment

by Admin
ClassNK Firstever Notation living working

In a groundbreaking move towards enhancing the living and working conditions for seafarers, ClassNK, the renowned ship classification society, has awarded its prestigious ELW (Excellent Living and Working Environment) notation to the bulk carrier ELETTRA, owned by Fuyo Kaiun Co., Ltd. This marks the maiden instance of such recognition within the ClassNK registry.

As a part of its proactive stance towards fostering innovation in maritime practices, ClassNK introduced the “Innovation Endorsement” service, aimed at acknowledging pioneering technologies and initiatives. The guidelines laid down by ClassNK under this initiative set forth requirements to denote on a class certificate the implementation of measures and facilities contributing to onboard environment enhancement.

In a bid to elevate the welfare standards for crew members, Fuyo Kaiun has outlined plans for a phased deployment of “DENBA+ Marine,” a revolutionary freshness preservation system developed by DENBA JAPAN Corporation, across its fleet. This innovative system, when installed in the food storage areas, is engineered to uphold the freshness of food supplies, thus augmenting the culinary environment for crew members while curbing food wastage. Notably, this system has secured ClassNK’s Innovation Endorsement certification for Products & Solutions.

Upon the submission of Fuyo Kaiun’s application, ClassNK diligently examined the “ELETTRA,” the pioneering vessel equipped with the DENBA+ Marine system, against its stringent guidelines. Following a thorough assessment confirming adherence to the stipulated requirements, the vessel was duly adorned with the coveted “ELW” notation.

ClassNK remains steadfast in its commitment to bolstering industry endeavors aimed at fostering enhanced onboard environments through its rigorous certification protocols.

About ClassNK

Established in 1899, ClassNK stands as a venerable ship classification society with an unwavering dedication to promoting safer and cleaner seas. Offering an extensive range of technical services encompassing surveys and classifications of ships and marine structures, alongside statutory certifications on behalf of over 110 flag states, ClassNK also provides management system certifications aligned with ISO and other international standards.

With a steadfast focus on supporting the industry’s transition towards digitalization and decarbonization, ClassNK channels substantial resources and expertise into research and development endeavors. Collaborating closely with industry stakeholders, the society spearheads the development and deployment of innovative technological solutions aimed at fostering a safer, greener, and more sustainable maritime future.

ClassNK operates as a global entity, delivering top-tier services and round-the-clock support through a network of 130 exclusive surveyor offices staffed by competent and seasoned professionals worldwide. With approximately 260 million gross tons, representing around 20% of the world’s merchant fleet under its register, ClassNK stands as one of the largest classification societies globally in terms of gross tonnage.

Source ClassNK