Bunker Holding’s CCO Takes Seat on TEA Board of Directors

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Bunker Holding CCO Christoffer joins TEA Board

Bunker Holding Group’s Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), Christoffer Berg Lassen, has joined the board of directors of the Triangle Energy Alliance (TEA), an organization focused on advancing sustainable energy solutions in Southern Denmark’s Triangle Area.

Triangle Energy Alliance (TEA) envisions the Triangle Area as a hub for sustainable energy production across various sectors, including transportation, households, and industries. By fostering collaborations between private sector entities, municipalities, and governmental bodies, the alliance aims to spearhead large-scale projects showcasing the viability of sustainable fuels and infrastructure.

With a particular emphasis on Power-to-X (PtX) technologies, endorsed by Danish climate agreements and EU initiatives, Lassen’s expertise will be pivotal in steering the alliance toward integrating PtX solutions into the energy landscape. With 32 partnership members sharing ambitious goals, the alliance is poised to establish robust infrastructure systems and organizations facilitating the transition to sustainable energy.

“As the world’s largest supplier of marine fuels, Bunker Holding Group has a significant stake and responsibility in shipping’s transition to alternative fuels. Further engagement in projects and partnerships, like the Triangle Energy Alliance, is crucial for accelerating the green transition. It allows us to share real-world experiences with energy sector partners and solidify our role as trusted advisors to fuel the future,” says Christoffer Lassen.

Christoffer Berg Lassen joined the board of directors as of 9 April 2024, and his seat on the board ensures, as new P-t-X projects are developed, that Bunker Holding Group can add commercial insights to push the initiatives in the direction to support the shipping industry’s transition to low- and zero-carbon fuels. which significantly contribute to global emissions.

Triangle Energy Alliance (TEA)

Triangle Energy Alliance is an ambitious collaboration centered in the heart of Denmark, the Triangle Area. Energy facility operators, specialists, and seven visionary municipalities seek to pave the way for sustainable e-fuels based on Power to X-technologies. The Triangle Area is defined by the ultimate production, distribution, transport and energy infrastructure, which is a golden opportunity to lead the transformation to sustainable fuels based on wind and solar power.

Cross sector synergies Biproducts of one energy production process may be a valuable commodity for others. Therefore, several companies in the Triangle Area aim to collaborate to refine products to individual and shared benefit. Collaboration in this context makes energy production and utilization even more resource and cost-efficient. Increasing the potential of new, sustainable energy products. Ideal regional infrastructure Historical evolution of energy demand and distribution equipped the central region of Denmark with the ideal energy infrastructure for production and distribution of liquid and gas fuels, which the Triangle Energy Alliance aims to develop and repurpose for the largest possible scale production and distribution of green energy for households and business consumption.

About Bunker Holding

Bunker Holding is the parent company of a group of companies specialising in the purchase, sale and supply of marine fuels and lube oil to ships as well as risk management and associated services. operate globally with clients in shipping lines and the shipping business. Bunker Holding is represented by 56 companies worldwide, currently in 28 countries and with more on the way.

The local companies and the head office work together in perfect symbiosis, with the local companies contributing with local knowledge and the head office providing capital, systems and know-how. the goal is to be the preferred workplace in our sector and to attract, constantly develop and retain the best talents and professionals. The personal qualities, drive and professional skills of our staff combined with our corporate spirit give us a competitive edge.

Source Bunker Holding A/S