Ahti Climate: Research Unveils Huge FuelEU Maritime Benefits from Pooling

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Ahti Climate CEO Risto Juhani

In this informative article shared by Ahti Climate, we delve into the groundbreaking research findings that underscore the significant benefits for FuelEU Maritime through strategic pooling. Embarking on a green voyage, Ahti Climate spearheads a transformative journey in the maritime industry. Since its inception in 2022, Ahti has diligently crafted tools designed to streamline shipping emission compliance, positioning itself as a pivotal force in reshaping the sector’s environmental footprint.

Led by founder Risto-Juhani Kariranta, a seasoned Master Mariner and Naval Architecture expert, Ahti brings a fusion of maritime prowess and technological innovation to the forefront. With a mission to make sustainable shipping practices not only achievable but also economically viable, Ahti stands as a beacon of change, poised to navigate the industry towards a greener horizon.

  • Ahti has calculated that one e-methanol-fueled vessel can enable the FuelEU Maritime compliance of 70 HFO-fueled ships.
  • By adding 1-1.5% e-methanol and pooling, you can make your operational fuel costs cheaper under FuelEU Maritime than burning straight HFO.
  • Ahti Pool is the world’s first public FuelEU Maritime compliance pool.
  • Ahti is already trusted by companies including Gasum and Ren-Gas.
Ahti Climate Pooling
The Aticle: New research reveals huge FuelEU Maritime benefits available from Pooling.

New research from emissions compliance experts Ahti Climate (Ahti) today reveals the scale of FuelEU Maritime optimization available through pooling and the use of appropriate low-carbon fuels.

Using tools it has developed to manage Ahti Pool, the world’s first FuelEU Maritime compliance pool, Ahti has calculated that the use of one e-methanol vessel on voyages within the European Union’s waters could make 70 vessels using HFO compliant. By comparison, under the FuelEU Maritime regulations, an LNG vessel with a low-speed engine could only be used to make five HFO-fueled ships compliant.

Moreover, by adding 1-1.5% e-methanol and pooling, you can make your operational fuel costs cheaper under FuelEU Maritime than burning straight HFO and paying penalties.

Ahti has further calculated that FuelEU Maritime will grow the alternative fuel market value in European shipping to greater than the fossil fuel market value by 2040.

Ahti is trusted by companies including Gasum and Ren-Gas to provide calculations about their position under the FuelEU Maritime regulation, and Ahti’s senior leadership team contains more than 100 years of combined maritime experience. The Ahti Calculator contains data for all relevant alternative fuels for shipping verified against the regulation parameters and calculation methodology.

FuelEU Maritime

FuelEU Maritime will come into force in 250 days on 1 January 2025, and the regulations are part of the European Union’s ‘Fit For 55’ package. It aims to enable the EU to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

As FuelEU Maritime will come into force, it will require all ships entering EU waters to comply with new carbon intensity limits on vessel emissions.

One of the primary aims of FuelEU Maritime is to increase the demand for and consistent use of renewable and low-carbon fuels. The rewards for doing so can be considerable – if they are effectively chosen and implemented systematically.

Market Impacts

There has been criticism in some quarters about the financial viability of ships powered by low-carbon fuels because they are going to be at least 3-6 times more expensive than traditional bunker fuels. However, this ignores the additional benefits which can be achieved under FuelEU Maritime through pooling compliance within a fleet that’s using an optimized mix of low-carbon and traditional bunkers on different vessels.

The sustainability value obtained from using low-carbon fuels is not limited to the year in which it occurs. Any compliance surplus can be ‘banked’ for following FuelEU Maritime reporting periods.

By pooling, you also avoid the need to run frequent calculations to assess carbon intensities for each fuel’s unique feedstock, and you’ll escape the time-consuming scenario planning necessary for each possible variation of a vessel’s energy sourcing strategy and execution.

For shipowners who are concerned about ordering the wrong future-fueled new builds, pooling and the use of appropriate low-carbon fuels on their vessels provide them with substantially increased time to analyze the results of first movers and to make better-informed investments.

Risto-Juhani Kariranta, CEO of Ahti, said, “We are on a mission to make shipping’s green transition affordable, and one of the best ways to do that for ships that are visiting and operating within European Union waters is via pooling and choosing the optimal low-carbon fuels.

Ahti Pool combines expert geographical knowledge, the latest optimization algorithms, and unique energy data sets to find the lowest cost of compliance for your vessels and avoid implementing a “paying the penalties” strategy.

For example, thanks to our Ahti Pool calculator, we have determined that through the ultra-low carbon intensity possible with e-fuels and the renewable fuels of nonbiological origin (RFNBO) multiplier, in 2025 only 1.3% of a ship’s total energy would need to come from e-methanol to be compliant, and for biodiesel, it would be 3.1%. The rest of your bunkers could be HFO, and you’d suffer no penalty under FuelEU Maritime.

Companies that fail to optimize their vessel operations in response to FuelEU Maritime will find their overheads quickly become a competitive handcuff.

Ahti Climate Pooling 2024
About Ahti Climate

Ahti Climate is driven by a mission to make the transition to greener shipping practices financially feasible. Since its establishment in 2022, Ahti has developed tools aimed at enhancing the cost-efficiency of shipping emission compliance, resulting in the elimination of tens of thousands of carbon emissions.

The founder of Ahti, Risto-Juhani Kariranta, brings a wealth of expertise to the table. As a Master Mariner with a master’s degree in Naval Architecture, his background is deeply rooted in the maritime industry. Prior to founding Ahti, Kariranta held key positions, serving as the Director of Shipping Solutions at NAPA, a renowned software provider for ship design and vessel operation. He also served as the Shipping Performance Manager at Neste, a global leader in the production of sustainable fuels and renewable feedstocks.

With Kariranta’s extensive experience and Ahti’s commitment to innovation, the company is poised to play a significant role in driving sustainability within the shipping sector.

Source Ahti Climate