World’s Largest LNG Carrier Receives LR’s AiP

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LR AiP for world largest lng carrier

LR award Approval in Principle for world’s largest LNG carrier, CSSC Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding’s new modern ultra large LNG carrier will be the biggest LNG transporting vessel in the world, with a capacity of 271,000cbm.

Lloyd’s Register (LR) has granted Approval in Principle (AiP) to CSSC Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding for its 271,000cmb Liquified Natural Gas Carrier (LNGC), which will become the largest LNG transporting vessel in the global fleet. 

The record-breaking vessel could transport enough LNG to provide gas for 4.7 million Shanghai homes for a month, 25-30% more efficiently than a 170,000cbm vessel. The new LNGC will increase terminal capacity by 50% without the need to expand the size of the terminal.

With global demand for LNG expected to increase between 25-50% by 2030 and the current vessel orderbook showing a record list of 270 LNG carriers on order – almost 40% of the existing fleet -facilitating the new construction of LNG carriers, along with the onward transportation of LNG, is crucial if the industry is to fulfil its supply demands.  

As part of the AiP process LR conducted a thorough HAZID analysis and Preliminary Appraisal of Rules (PAR), using our guidelines and in-depth knowledge of ship safety to ensure high standards of safety in the design process.

Andy McKeran, Chief Commercial Officer, LR said: “LR is pleased to award Approval in Principle to CSSC Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding for their record breaking 271,000cbm LNG carrier. This AiP signposts a landmark moment for the growth of ultra large LNGC’s, at a time when the global supply of LNG is pivotal for the maritime energy transition.”

Song wei, Head of Technical Department, Hudong-Zhonghua said: “Hudong-Zhonghua highly appreciates LR’s strong support and specialised guidance in the joint developments and is very honored to obtain AiP for the Global Max type 271,000cmb LNGC, which brings a new noticeable member of our G5 ever constant series family. For a Max type 271K LNGC, the fuel consumption per ton-nm will be 9.9% lower than a conventional 174K LNGC, which will offer enhanced efficiency solution to global customers to meet with fast increasing shipping demand.”

Source LR Lloyd’s Register