Viking Line Embraces Green Shipping with Gasum’s LBG Initiative

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Harri Tamminen VP at viking line

Logistics buyers are showing significant interest in climate-efficient transportation. Many companies want to be able to measure and achieve their climate goals on every front. Liquefied biogas and Green Shipping on Demand allows Viking Line to meet this demand in the Baltic Sea.

“The Baltic Sea is a significant part of both Finland’s and Sweden’s immediate environment. At Viking Line, our priority is to protect the sea that connects our two nations,” says Harri Tamminen, Vice President, Director of Freight at Viking Line.

Since maritime traffic generates three percent of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions, the shipping company Viking Line has been actively addressing climate issues for many years. Back in the day, they were the first in the world to operate a passenger ship powered entirely by liquefied natural gas (LNG). Now, the company is ready to take the next step in sustainable maritime transport.

“The more people that purchase a green ticket, the greater the amount of LBG we have in our fuel tanks,” says Harri Tamminen, Vice President, Director of Freight at Viking Line.

“Through Green Shipping on Demand, Gasum supplies liquefied biogas (LBG) in proportion to the fuel required for a passenger or transportation customer’s journey. The more people that purchase a green ticket, the greater the amount of LBG we have in our fuel tanks,” explains Harri Tamminen.

LBG is a fully renewable fuel that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared with fossil fuel use. For a modest additional price of the ticket, Viking Line pledges that their passengers’ journey will be fueled by this renewable fuel. This green transition is exclusive to liquefied gas, with LNG, LBG and e-methane representing different forms of methane gas.

“LNG has long been the cleanest fuel for maritime transport. Our vessels are already prepared to run on LBG and, in future, on the upcoming renewable synthetic gas e-methane, without the need for additional investments or engine replacements,” says Harri Tamminen.

viking line bunkering gasum

Renewable e-methane is produced using renewable electricity, such as wind power. All methane gases, including e-methane, are fully interchangeable.

According to Harri Tamminen, the future looks bright. “Our transportation customers are showing substantial interest in providing more climate-efficient transportation. Gasum’s Green Shipping on Demand makes it feasible to meet this demand.”

Harri Tamminen has advice for other shipping companies looking to undertake a similar transition to that of Viking Line.

“Partnering with a proficient ally in energy transition is vital for maintaining future competitiveness. Close collaboration means that we can reduce climate impact together.”

About Gasum

The energy company Gasum is a Nordic gas sector and energy market expert. Gasum offers cleaner energy and energy market expert services for industry and for combined heat and power (CHP) production as well as cleaner fuel solutions for road and maritime transport. The company helps its customers to reduce their own carbon footprint as well as that of their customers. Together with its partners, Gasum promotes development towards a carbon-neutral future on land and at sea.

The Gasum Group has around 350 employees in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany. Gasum is owned by the State of Finland. In 2017 Gasum expanded its biogas production in Sweden. The acquisition of Swedish Biogas International makes Gasum the biggest producer of biogas in the Nordic countries.

About Viking Line

Viking Line is a public limited company and a market-leading brand in passenger traffic on the northern Baltic Sea. It offers passenger services, recreation and cargo carrier services on the vessels Viking Glory, Gabriella, Viking Cinderella, Viking XPRS and Viking Grace.

Source Gasum