NitroFix Pioneers Green Ammonia Technology for Clean Maritime Fuel

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CEO and CoFounder NitroFix

As the maritime industry steers toward decarbonization, NitroFix is at the forefront with its innovative green ammonia technology. Traditionally known for its use in fertilizers and industrial applications, ammonia is now emerging as a viable and sustainable alternative fuel for shipping.

Ammonia presents significant advantages as a marine fuel. It is highly energy-dense and less flammable compared to hydrogen and gasoline, making it a safer and more practical option for powering ships. Unlike hydrogen, which requires extreme cooling to become liquid, ammonia remains liquid at -33°C, requiring significantly less energy for storage and handling.

The shipping industry, responsible for over one billion tons of carbon emissions annually, ranks among the world’s largest polluters, positioned as the sixth-largest emitter globally, just behind major industrial nations. The adoption of green ammonia could play a crucial role in reducing this environmental impact.

NitroFix’s innovation goes beyond merely producing green ammonia. The company’s technology reduces the energy required for ammonia synthesis through a novel catalyst developed in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute of Science. This breakthrough process eliminates the need for fossil gas in ammonia production and dramatically cuts associated emissions.

The maritime market is preparing for this transition. Dual-fuel (NH3-Diesel) vessel engines from companies like Wärtsilä and 100% low-carbon ammonia-powered container ships from Yara Eide are expected to enter the market by 2026. New ammonia infrastructure, including more than 50 bunkering projects, is in advanced stages of development.

Beyond maritime applications, green ammonia has numerous other uses, including in fertilizers, refrigerants, and various industrial processes. Currently, approximately 180 million metric tons of ammonia are used annually, with 80% dedicated to fertilizer production. As demand for green ammonia grows, its potential to revolutionize the maritime fuel sector becomes increasingly evident.

Public perception is crucial to adoption. Ammonia stakeholders prioritize transparent communication with the public about risks and mitigation measures, alongside emphasizing the immense benefits of green ammonia for civilization and the climate. As technology progresses, so will widespread knowledge about the safety measures that have been in place for decades.

With recent seed funding of $3.1 million led by Clean Energy Ventures, NitroFix is well-positioned to accelerate its technology and expand its impact on the maritime industry. This funding will support the company’s efforts to scale up production and meet the rising demand for sustainable maritime fuels.

NitroFix’s pioneering work in green ammonia technology is setting a new standard for the shipping industry, offering a promising solution to one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.

“NitroFix is committed to transforming the energy landscape with our cutting-edge green ammonia technology. Our decade-long research at the Weizmann Institute has culminated in a revolutionary electrochemical process that converts water and air into emission-free ammonia. This breakthrough not only ensures environmental sustainability but also economic viability, making green ammonia accessible for various scales of operation worldwide. At NitroFix, we believe our innovation holds the potential to address the global challenge of sustainable energy, providing a long-term solution for a greener future.” Ophira Melamed, Ph.D., CEO & Co-Founder at Nitrofix

NitroFix for Green Ammonia
About NitroFix

NitroFix is paving the way for sustainable ammonia production with proprietary technology developed through a decade of research at the Weizmann Institute, NitroFix is revolutionizing sustainable ammonia production. the advanced electrochemical process seamlessly converts water and air into emission-free ammonia, ensuring both environmental sustainability and economic viability.

This innovation makes green ammonia accessible for diverse operations worldwide, ranging from small to large-scale facilities. As attention increases over ammonia’s potential as a critical energy source, NitroFix’s breakthrough could serve as a viable and permanent solution to a long-standing problem of carbon emissions.

Video Credit IndieBio

Source Nitrofix